
Blood Knife

A digital magazine about sci-fi, horror, and capitalism, Blood Knife maps the (often literally) cutting edge of our increasingly brutal reality. In January 2022, it published my take on the shortcomings of idealistic sci-fi.

Current Affairs

One of the leading left-politics magazines in the US, Current Affairs is known for its robust intellect, its heart, and its mischievous sense of humor and creativity. I contributed to the latter with an "amusement" in its twenty-fifth issue (May-June 2020), which you can purchase here. covers one of my greatest loves, the fighting game community (FGC). Unlike other FGC websites that are focused on the competitive "esports" angle, toptier prioritizes the community itself. My work for toptier can be found here, although non-FGCers should probably start with my Faces of the FGC series. Inspired by the black-and-white portraits of community photographer Bryan "Cicada" Gateb, Faces of the FGC reveals the many sides of the community through the lives of its members.


Dexerto is one of the esports-focused websites that I alluded to earlier. I've scripted several videos for them, each about one of the top players in the Fighting Game Community (namely, MkLeo, Marss, Mang0, and Leffen).